The Public Interest News Foundation invites you to join us for the launch of the 2021 Index of Independent News Publishing in the UK.
WHEN: Thursday July 8th, 12:00-13:00pm via Zoom
The Index is the first ever comprehensive survey of the sector in the UK. We've distilled the Index data to reveal eight key insights, including:
- the reach of the sector;
- its chief revenue sources;
- its diversity;
- and more.
The Index report also makes recommendations to policymakers, philanthropists and publishers. Join us at the launch of the Index for an overview of the findings from researchers Clare Cook and Dr Coral Milburn-Curtis. They will be joined by a panel of invited guests to respond to the report findings, in advance of a Q&A. Our guest panellists include: - Dame Frances Cairncross, author of the Cairncross Review: a sustainable future for journalism; - Emma Meese, director of the Independent Community News Network; - Shirish Kulkarni, journalist, researcher and trainer, and Community Organiser at The Bureau of Investigative Journalism. The event will be hosted by Jonathan Heawood, Executive Director of the Public Interest News Foundation. We look forward to seeing you there!
WHEN: Thursday July 8th, 12:00-13:00pm via Zoom